Through continuous confirmation by Gyeyang-gu Oriental Medicine Clinic

Through continuous confirmation by Gyeyang-gu Oriental Medicine Clinic

Through continuous confirmation by Gyeyang-gu Oriental Medicine Clinic

If you experience problems with physical health and functionality, it must be more detailed, so it’s necessary to take it immediately.The abnormalities related diseases and functionality related to various types of diseases and functionality are categorized.The same thing is also the same when there was injured in various soft tissue, muscle, muscle, muscle, muscle, or nerve, or nerve.There are various organs in the body, but I tried to check the time to check the shoulder joint.As soon as the arm, it is located below, so that the functional response is likely to cause problems caused by the functional damage caused by the functional damage.If the friction is directly caused by friction, the damage, the damage was also caused by a strong pressure and shock.If you hurt the nerve, the numbness and the action was accompanied by the action itself, and the action of the action itself.Furthermore, there was also a difficult situation that can be able to rotate or bending or bending.I have to move it in this time.When I look at Katsura Ward, the nervous system has been connected to the elbow.I had hurt, I had to use it to be difficult.And it was also painful, but it was painful to be painful, and numbness, and numbness, and pain, and pain, and pain, and pain.If there are a large, it is not to postpone the measures to be made by a large amount of measures.The part of the factors that can be affected by factors.In other words, it must be careful not to point, so I should note from structural surface.Also, I have to know whether the elements are not affected.It is possible to be stressed by muscle and impossible to provide stress by increasing the increase of activity.This was the part of inflammation, and the part of the arm and shoulders.It was a part of the deformation and behavior was necessary to be careful.And it could be able to continue to continue to keep pain and it.In addition, the result of pressing or touch the specific site, the results of pressure is causing pressure to increase.The Katsura Ward, Katsura Ward, and I thought that the affected area is well-known to contact with blood vessels around the surrounding the blood vessels.In addition, I had to recognize that there were abnormal reactions.I have to consider the abnormal reaction to the dog peak, and I must consider the possibility of this is to considerable.The problem caused by abnormalities, the scope of joint activity has gradually decreased.There were also changed to the restrictive part.The pain is also pressure to be pressure and it is difficult to be careful.Also, the disk is located between the disk is between the neck, but the structure was not possible to receive the structure and the impact of deformation.And this was also the cause of functional and pain in the cause of functional and pain.It’s hard to increase the hands and then I will be hurt every time.Also, I have to check the disease and related to disease.Katsura Ward, Katsura said that there are various things that can occur in the shoulder joint.There was five shoulders that begin to gradually start by aging.This is mainly the 50s, so that this disease name is the name of this disease name is.The pain in the pain of the heat of the heat, and I had been up to heat.Therefore, I had a little fever in particular part, and when heat is sleeping, and when I slept, I was lying down and when I sleep still sleep.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image