What kind of method is applied to the oriental medicine clinic for tongue pain

Acupuncture, herbal medicine, and psychological treatment will be provided to those who visit the oriental medicine clinic to treat tongue pain.

Located in Songdo, Incheon, Ile Oriental Medicine Clinic mainly deals with Burning mouth syndrome (BMS), which gives you a feeling of tongue pain and mouth burning. BMS may occur alone, but it may also appear with autoimmune diseases such as Shegren’s syndrome. Our hospital has been conducting autoimmune disease-oriented treatment for 18 years, and we are focusing on treating Shagren syndrome in particular.

BMS is a completely different disease from SS, but there are similar worsening factors by collecting similar symptoms, and the treatment method of oriental medicine is similar. Let’s look at the similarities between the two diseases through a 2017 paper.Aljanobi, Hawra, et al. “Is it Sjögren’s syndrome or burning mouth syndrome? Distinct pathoses with similar oral symptoms.” Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 123.4 (2017): 482-495.

Dry mouth often appears together. Taste disorders, where you can feel changes in taste and other flavors all the time, are often accompanied by two diseases.” Mental stress such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia have a lot of effects on the occurrence and progression of diseases. It occurs more often in women before and after menopause.Once it starts, it is often difficult to improve, and it shows a chronic course.I will explain the case of a woman in her 70s who is currently treating oriental medicine related to oral fever syndrome.Symptoms began to appear for the first time in 2020. In the early days of COVID-19, anxiety about infection and isolation was so great that people stayed at home longer, and they were under a lot of stress due to noise between floors.In the meantime, at the same time, I took care of my husband for a long time due to his illness.At one point, my face turned red and hot, and the heat gradually gathered in my mouth. I couldn’t sleep without taking four sleeping pills prescribed by the Department of Mental Health, but after a while, this medicine didn’t work very well, so I ended up increasing the prescription to seven tablets. The newly received prescription included ribotrile.Ribotril is a medicine to improve panic disorder, sleep disorder, and anxiety, but it also relieves symptoms caused by BMS. I started to sleep well after increasing the amount of medicine, but my mouth became more dry and my symptoms of esophagitis got worse. Despite taking ribotrile, BMS also deteriorated.In order to solve the inconvenience in my mouth, I went to the otolaryngology department at the university hospital, dentistry at the university hospital, and oral medicine at the university hospital for about a month. At the time of the examination, the patient was given the following expression”My tongue hurts like it’s cutting off.” “I’m just waiting for the time to take the tranquilizer.” At the beginning of the evening, I’m so tired that I have to wait impatiently to sleep.” “Just drinking water makes my heart ache.”Through about an hour of treatment, tongue examination (checking tongue condition), and abdominal examination, we diagnosed “depression” and “lack of treatment” and started treatment. You have continued acupuncture and herbal medicine treatment, and we have been conducting treatment for five months so far, providing education on cognitive behavior treatment, stress management, and supportive counseling for a long time.This patient understands exactly the characteristics, causes, and factors of the disease, and the worsening factors, and after he has come to accept the current situation correctly, his body and mind have become comfortable and he can start working again.As can be seen in this case, for BMS patients with stress factors such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress, and compulsion, counseling treatment that can solve mental problems as well as acupuncture and herbal medicine is important.In particular, if the inclination is severe due to the dialectic of oriental medicine, the inclination will be resolved to some extent just by extracting the anxiety elements contained in the mind and helping them face problems. In this respect, the counseling skills of the medical staff are also very important. Please refer to the relevant text for detailsOne of the things to be careful about when choosing a hospital for oral burning syndrome, you can consider various specialties when choosing a hospital for oral burning syndrome. Mainly oral medicine and oriental medicine…blog.naver.comOne of the things to be careful about when choosing a hospital for oral burning syndrome, you can consider various specialties when choosing a hospital for oral burning syndrome. Mainly oral medicine and oriental medicine…blog.naver.comOne of the things to be careful about when choosing a hospital for oral burning syndrome, you can consider various specialties when choosing a hospital for oral burning syndrome. Mainly oral medicine and oriental medicine…blog.naver.comLocated in Songdo International New Town, Incheon, Ile Oriental Medicine Clinic mainly deals with autoimmune diseases such as Shegren’s syndrome, lupus, arthritis, and systemic sclerosis, and various diseases that occur in the mouth. We are trying to provide universal treatment through traditional Chinese medicine treatment, recent medical knowledge, and psychological counseling approaches. In particular, BMS is also a psychosomatic disorder or a somatic symptom disorder, so it will reduce the inconvenience caused by BMS only if you understand and overcome psychological factors well.Ile Oriental Medicine Clinic No. 161301, Sinsong-ro, Yeonsu-gu, IncheonIle Oriental Medicine Clinic No. 161301, Sinsong-ro, Yeonsu-gu, IncheonIle Oriental Medicine Clinic No. 161301, Sinsong-ro, Yeonsu-gu, IncheonPrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imageHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. 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